
"As a long-time member of Sustainable Lexington Committee, I have so very much appreciated Lin's participation.  Her dedication to understanding the choices before our community, her loyalty to community values, her energy, are exceptional.  Her presence on the committee has helped me feel that so many things I care about and try to articulate also have a voice, in her questions, and in her proposals for ideas to explore."

- Rick Reibstein

(Affiliated Faculty, Institute for Global Sustainability & Lecturer, Environmental Law and Policy, Boston University)

"Lin is 'Good Peeps!' I've worked with Lin in a variety of capacities with our kids attending schools together.  She's always been a great communicator and gets the job done!"

- Dan Strollo

"Ms. Jensen is an excellent earth- or eco-friendly advocate in our community. She has huge patience and abundant knowledge about composting and new techs of keeping homes warm by reducing the energy bills. She is quite an expert of housing." 

- Z. Wang

"Lin is just what the town and Planning Board need to truly create the Lexington its residents believe in!"

- Nancy Cowen

"Lin's knowledge, commitment to equity and transparency as well as her incredible work ethic are what Lexington needs on the Planning Board. Lin, thank you for running!"

- Mary Yardley (Lexington Climate Action Network -LexCAN)

"I enjoyed working with Lin at Town Meeting. She is practical,  hard working, dedicated to Lexington, and considers not just the immediate, but the long-term implications of town decisions." 

Wendy Reasenberg (Former Town Meeting Member)

"Lin is a great community leader. She listens, tries to build consensus, and takes actions."

Xiaopeng Gong

“I encourage you to consider Lin Jensen for one of the two seats on the Planning Board. Lin offers a fresh new perspective, given her 19 years of public service to the town. Lin will bring to the Board her strong analytical and data-driven approach that is needed to address the land use, zoning and regulatory challenges and opportunities facing the town going forward.” 

Fred Merrill, FAICP

(Professional planner, former Chair of the Lexington Planning Board, & Lexington’s Permanent Building Committee member)

"As a professional planner, I am endorsing Lin Jensen for election to the Lexington Planning Board. Lin will bring to the Lexington Planning Board an extraordinary skill set in municipal zoning and planning, an inclusive and sustainable vision for our future, and a demonstrated dedication to working productively with other elected officials while listening to the needs of the residential and business communities."

Elizabeth DeMille Barnett, AICP, MHP's Housing Hero Award recipient

Endorsed by CAAL PAC (CAAL Political Action Committee)

Mark Andersen

Meredith Applegate

Amy Armitage

Michaela Barnes

Elizabeth DeMille Barnett (Professional Planner AICP, recipient of MHP’s Housing Hero Award in 2018)

Sima Bilge

Sallye Bleiberg

Ann Boese

Celis Brisbin

Jeanne Canale

Richard Canale (former Chair of the Planning Board)

Hong Cao

Sean Cassity

Angie Chen

Jane Chen

Steve Cooper

Nancy Cowen

Sarah Daggett

Tad Dickenson

Professor Wei Ding

Hua Dong

Sonali Doshi

Edna Luther 

Sandy Frank

Ying Gan

Marcia Gens

Judith Glixon

Xiaopeng Gong

Yifang Gong

Jeff Gordon

Xiaopeng Gong

Jade Han

Jia Huang

Li Huang

Pam & Peter Hoffman

Patricia Jenness

Cynthia John

L. Klemmer

Janet Lane

Grace Lee

Alan M. Levine

Yuan Li

Liz Lin

Long Lin

Xueyuan Liu

Fran Ludwig

Pamela Lyons

Anne MacDonald-Broun

Marielsa McBride

Bryant McBride

Tina McBride

Janet McKenney

Diane Maimonis

Fred Merrill (former Chair of the Planning Board, Professional Planner AICP)

Daniel Miller

Sharon Musto

G. Nair

Rahul Nair

Hien Nguyen

Celine Nussbaum

Dahua Pan

Ricki Pappo

Gerry Paul

Robin Paul

Cynthia Pfeiffer

Elisabeth Piquet

Diane Pursley

Wendy Reasenberg

Shoba Reginald

Rick Reibstein

Anne Richtarik

Caleb Rogers

Janice Rogers

Suraja Roychowdhury

Paul Rubin

Marlene & Alan Seferian

Renee Spencer

Dan Strollo

Nita Sturiale

Rachel & Joshua Summers

HongSheng Tang

XC Tang

Andreas Theodosiou

Helen Theodosiou

Keranie Theodosiou

Ruth Thomas

Eileen Wang

Suyue Wang

Weidong Wang

Z. Wang

Katie Wipke

Steve & Janet Woit

Doris Wong

Helen Wright

Curt Wu

Leeying Wu

Yu Wu

Charlie Wyman

Hong Xie

Huayu Xiong

Lily Yan

Meng Yang

Helen Yang

Mary Yardley

Lei Yu

Wei Zhang

Li Zhang

Xiaoming Zhang

Yiliang Zhang

Yan Zheng

Chuan Zhu

Helen Zhu

Scott Zhu